Spider On A Web

My first memory of money was being a young boy determined to collect all the Match Attacks of the 2007 - 08 Premier League season. I begged my Mum for some money to get another pack in the hope of completing my collection. She gave in buying peace and quiet handing over a £5 note, of which, I swiftly snatched and made my way to the shop.

Match Attacks in hand and the hope of getting a rare Cristiano Ronaldo I reached into my pocket to pay and quickly all hope was lost.

The £5 was missing! I had lost it on the way to the shop. I rushed to retrace my tracks and spent hours looking for it in the streets but sadly could not find it. I returned to my mum crying until my head hurt. She wasn’t bothered, she didn’t expect to see any of that money again but a seed was planted in me that day; I never wanted money to make me feel that way again, I wanted to control it, rather than it control me.

I have read numerous finance books, watched countless hours of YouTube videos, and spent an unhealthy amount of time on my personal finances which my fiancé will vouch for.

In this obsession, I often ask my friends, family, and even strangers about their finances. Being British this often doesn’t go well as we don’t like talking about finances or emotions.

However, in the conversations I have had one thing is clear, the majority of us want to do more with our money but don’t know where to start. We have our income, bills, and expenses all come out of the same account and it’s hard to track. We want to save more but can’t find room in our budget too. We would like to have money work for us but investing is too complicated and risky.

Spider On a Web is a method that I am working on to help anyone get better control and do more with their money.

Don’t worry, you won’t have to suffer through being my guinea pig that’s what my fiancé is for.

She won’t mind me telling you she earns a good amount of money but has a good chunk of debt, no savings, and at the end of each month has no idea what she has spent her money on and feels she has none in the first place. Spider On a Web is helping her manage her money and feel in control, clear those debts, and start saving and investing which she has already paid off her overdraft and feels she has more control of her money.

I’ll turn this system into an online course with easy steps on how to apply giving you control over your money and be on hand to help you through!


Children's Book on Mental Health