Odin’s Spear

Python . REST API . Automation

Working on Broadworks (Cisco Telephony Platform) for 5 years was painful, with its stiff 90’s user interface and all its limitations so when I first saw Odin by Rev.io I nearly fell off my seat.

This made life so much easier, I was able to build 500 users in one go rather than one by one, give users access to manage their own systems, and duplicate groups with everything I needed and much more.

However, Odin’s web portal still has it’s limitations. There are things missing, tasks that still need to be done manually, and features requested for years still not built.

This is where Odin’s Spear begins.

The Problem

Odin’s Web Portal may have these limitations their API Is the solution.

Odin’s API is a gift from the developer gods over at Rev.io (thank you). Using the documentation and a few lines of code you can achieve everything you can do in the web interface.

No longer limited to how fast you can operate your keyboard with the power of programming languages. You create a program to build 10, 100, 1000, or 10, 000 users, hunt groups, and call centers in seconds or minutes.

Managing them all becomes a breeze also.

Alas, using the API is not perfect, there is some pesky admin to complete each time you write a script.

Each time I was starting fresh and this was frustrating.

I needed a solution that was better documented, pre-designed calls so I could simply hand my instructions to it, handle errors that comes back from the API and more.

The Solution

Odin's Spear Logo Design by Jordan Prescott

Odin’s Spear Logo

Odin’s Spear is a Python library designed for Odin’s API.

Encapsulating the entire functionality of Odin’s API making the use easy, efficient, and accessible.

The project is stakeholder lead with all features coming from telephony engineers that have worked on Broadworks and now Odin for decades.

It also introduces new features requested such as a visual graph showing a call flow to a number, group auditing reports for all things billable, and bulk management of call centers, hunt groups, and auto attendants.

However, it was clear what the first feature had to be. For years now locating where an alias has been assigned on the Broadworks system has brought telephony engineers to their knees.

No more.

In Odin’s Spears’ very first release I have addressed this issue making locating an alias a breeze.

3 lines of code and 1 minute, you can now achieve this once painstaking task, and more features are always being rolled out.

Get the code on Github hub here and read the docs here.


Saving the company thousands of pounds and creating huge efficiencies Fourteen IP has officially adopted the solution.

I now lead a small team of developer dedicated to this tool.

I was going to purchase a solution that would have been X thousands a year but Odin’s Spear gives me the functionality for free.

Provides functionality I could not achieve otherwise.

Very useful and dramatically better.

Tasks that would once take hours or even days can now be completed in minutes.

Instead of hours, five lines of code and it’s done.

I can build solutions to problems I didn’t think were solvable with this tool.

Odin's Spear Design by Jordan Prescott

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