Resources You NEED for Studying.

Welcome to the ultimate resource guide for university students! As a seasoned university student myself, I have compiled a comprehensive list of essential resources that every student should have access to during their academic journey. In this guide, you'll find a wide range of tools and services designed to enhance your learning experience and boost your academic performance. Look out for the wave icon, indicating the resources I use and highly recommend. From productivity apps to academic databases, these resources will help you stay organized, efficient, and on top of your game. Additionally, I've included a selection of recommended books and YouTube channels that have been instrumental in helping me achieve first in all my classes so far and put me on track for a first-class honors degree. Whether you're in your first year looking to navigate university life or a senior seeking to enhance your study approach, this guide is your go-to source for academic success!

Note: I will keep this list updated as I discover others.

Calendar Apps

ToDo Apps

Note Taking Apps

Project Management

Studying Assistance




Code Specific





Recommend Books

  • Atomic Habits

  • The Motivation Myth

  • The Unfair Advantage

  • Building a Second Brain

  • The Only Study Guide You Will Ever Need

  • Feel Good Productivity

YouTube Channels (to name a few)


Take Lectures Effectively.


How To Guide: Study.